UK Nuclear sector comes together to champion diversity

Senior leaders across UK nuclear are coming together to address how the sector can improve diversity and inclusion in the industry.

A cross-sector collaboration featuring Women in Nuclear (WiN), Young Generation Network (YGN) and the Nuclear Skills Strategy Group (NSSG) are holding a CEO dinner to bring together colleagues to focus on the gender balance and inclusivity challenges facing the sector.

The landmark event, hosted by PwC, is an opportunity to gain new insights, learn from each other and develop practical, actionable solutions to overcoming real diversity challenges. With around 100 attendees expected from inside and outside the boardroom, the agenda features personal diversity stories, a look at how the sector is currently performing and a focus on the key commitments leaders can take to attract, retain and develop a workforce that better reflects the diversity of the communities served.

Ivan Baldwin, President WiN UK, said:

“ Working collaboratively to take action and inspire others to ensure nuclear remains a sector for all is what we do at WiN UK. This event is a real opportunity to drive change and demonstrates a top-down commitment from our nuclear leaders to step up and play their part in creating a more diverse and inclusive industry.”

Saralyn Thomas, Chair of the Nuclear Institute’s Young Generation Network, commented:

“With the nuclear industry set for an exciting period of growth, now more than ever, we need to attract people into a vibrant and diverse workforce of all talents. The commitment and involvement of industry leaders represents the bold action necessary for change. The YGN look forward to working with colleagues on the actions and outcomes of this key event.”

Beccy Pleasant, Head of Nuclear Skills, Nuclear Skills Strategy Group, said:

“Taking collective action to address diversity, equality and inclusion in our industry is not just the responsibility of our leaders; delivering the necessary change requires collaboration from the entire nuclear community. NSSG members are committed to playing their part in creating more inclusive workplaces and look forward to working with all partners to deliver this.”

The Women in Nuclear CEO Dinner takes place on 12 October 2022. Designed as a working dinner with a collaborative focus on the gender balance and inclusivity challenges facing the UK nuclear sector.