If you want to avoid losing your cool as Will Smith did at the 2022 Oscars, new ways to help you manage your temper form part of this year’s Anger Awareness Week, which runs from Thursday 1 to 7 December 2022.

In today’s stress-filled world, many people find themselves in hot-water situations when their anger becomes impossible to control.

Although anger has many causes, it’s often rooted in childhood traumas. To help people work out where their anger may be coming from BAAM (the British Association of Anger Management), is asking the public to take a free ACE (Aggressive Childhood Experience), test about common traumatic experiences. The test takes just 5 minutes to complete and offers insights into the causes of people’s anger, the first step to managing the growing societal problem.

In addition to the free ACE test, BAAM has other free-to-use resources available on its website as part of this year’s Anger Awareness Week. These include an A to Z of Anger and an A to Z of Stress. Helping the UK to conquer Anger.

Mike Fisher, leading Anger and Stress Management expert and the Founder of the British Association of Anger Management said:

“The extremely harmful nature of Adverse Childhood Experiences are often more long-lasting than people realize, and makes it more likely that people will suffer from stress and anger as adults.”

“That’s why we want to make it simple for people to find out about Adverse Childhood Experiences which can mean that people suffer from serious mental and physical issues later in life. These can include anger management problems, heart disease, toxic stress, depression, anxiety, risky sexual behaviour, poor academic achievement, and substance abuse.”

The Adverse Childhood Experiences test involves 10 simple Yes/No questions and results in a score. If the score is high, it can mean that Adverse Childhood Experiences are a cause of social and emotional difficulties, relationship issues, and anger problems.

BAAM (the British Association of Anger Management), has been helping people manage their anger for over 26 years. Our Adverse Childhood Experiences test has already been done by over 2,000 people.

Many people suffer from anger problems in their personal and professional lives and this test is a great way to start managing anger. It’s another way that people can start to reclaim their inner calm. That’s so important at this time of year as Christmas, when people are together at home, is when anger can ruin not just the holiday but people’s relationships.


1. The Adverse Childhood Experiences Quiz and the A to Z of Anger and the A to Z of Stress can be downloaded at WEBLINK (is there just one to make it easier)

2. About BAAM: BAAM’s results-focused coaching has helped over 20,000 people with their anger issues since the practice was founded in 1997. We don’t just help you control your temper. We also look at the reasons behind your anger, treating the causes as well as the symptoms.

3. About Mike Fisher, ‘Anger Guru’

Mike Fisher, ‘the brains behind BAAM,’ has garnered more than 360 years experience in the field of personal and professional development. Being renowned as one of the world’s leading experts in the field of anger management, he is regularly called upon to make guest appearances in the UK and on international mainstream media. Fisher’s TV credits include ‘Big Brother’s Little Brother’, BBC1’s ‘Violent Fathers’, BBC3’s ‘Can’t Stop losing My Cool’, C5’s ‘Beat It: Angry with My Father,’ and many more. His hugely popular book, Beating Anger (2005), has sold over 70,000 copies in the UK alone. The sequel, Mindfulness and the Art of Managing Anger, is also published internationally and has been translated into Spanish.

4. A photo of Mike Fisher and a range of other anger related images are available LINK


Mike Fisher

Mobile +44 07931569051

Find and message BAAM at

The British Association of Anger Management, The Studio, 14 Railway Approach, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 1BP Resources