Quest For Love Drives UK Muslims to be Dynamic

Hawaya reveals how UK Muslims adapt in their search for a life partner

London: 30 November 2022: Muslims living in the UK significantly adapt their behaviour, fashion style and observance of Islam whilst looking for a future husband or wife. Research from Hawaya, an app designed specifically to help single Muslims with the intent to find serious relationships, reveals the findings from its latest consumer lifestyle research.

The company asked a representative sample of single Muslims what they do and do not ‘turn up’ when meeting a future partner. Over two-thirds of all single Muslims in the UK, including men and women, will dress more modestly and change their appearance to present themselves as more devout. Men are twice as likely to change their style, fashion choices and overall appearance to become ‘more Muslim’ than women.

However, the research reveals that single Muslims are not willing to compromise on important cultural and personal values. Three quarters of all single Muslims refuse to filter the topics of their conversation or strengthen how they present their faith to a potential partner. When looking at the younger generation, 82% of 18-24 year-olds will not change their life goals, showing that this motivated age group knows what they want in the long term and are not willing to compromise on their goals.

15% of all single Muslims also hide their previous relationships – this figure is higher for female Muslims (18%) compared to one-in-ten men. The same proportion will also change what they eat and drink – meaning UK Muslims become more Halal when looking for love.

The research also delved into what lifestyle behaviours UK Muslims will not tolerate from a future husband or wife. These ‘icks’ show that Muslim women across the board have far stronger boundaries, and higher behavioural expectations, on what is not acceptable from a future husband. Key outtakes from this area of the study include: 70% of single Muslim women will not accept the breaking of Halal – where this figure drops to 59% of men. 82% of Muslim women do not tolerate the usage of recreational drugs – in contrast to 64% of men. 80% of women do not accept the consumption of alcohol – whereas only 62% of men were against this. 55% of all single Muslims do not believe in sex before marriage with women being stricter on the issue (50% of men versus 59% of women).

Children, crime, and debt are huge deal-breakers for Muslim women seeking a husband. One-third will not consider children from a previous marriage and half will not accept children born outside of matrimony. Criminal records (62%) and debts (43%) are also massive turn-offs for single Muslim ladies.

Richma Piaraly, Chief Marketing Officer at Hawaya comments: “Our data shows that there is still a stigma in the Muslim community in relation to women’s conduct. Faith is an extremely important part of our culture, and it is essential that we reflect this on the app. People are overtly aware of this in how they present and filter themselves. For example, Hawaya allows users to view a potential partner’s stance on things like drinking, smoking and eating halal. UK women are setting the standard for male behaviours, and we will continue to empower them so that they are entering into balanced, equitable and happy relationships.”