SPONSORED: Enter the 2021 PlymouthLive Business Awards now to have your achievements recognised

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Every year, the PlymouthLive Business Awards celebrate the achievements of Plymouth businesses, and the work they do that helps the city thrive. This year is no different, and nominations are currently open for people to nominate worthy businesses and individuals.

The awards, with headline sponsors The University of Plymouth and City College Plymouth, will be held on Wednesday, November 3. Nominations will be open until Tuesday, August 17 – to enter, or for more information on the awards, visit the official website.

The last year has been a challenging one for Plymouth businesses, as they worked to overcome the obstacles set in front of them by the coronavirus pandemic. With restrictions being lifted once more, we feel that now is a perfect time to recognise the incredible work that businesses and individuals carried out in the face of such challenges.

With nominations open, we’re looking for entries from companies, employees, and entrepreneurs who think they’ve accomplished something of note – or know someone who has. If you feel that you or a business you know fits the bill, visit the official website to submit a nomination now.

There are 13 categories to choose from, offering recognition to a range of industries and accomplishments. The full list of categories is as follows:

There are 13 categories in all, offering a variety of ways in which a business or businessperson can have their work celebrated. The full list of categories is as follows:

Start-Up Business of the Year sponsored by Go South West SME Business of the Year Large Business of the Year Innovation Award sponsored by Plymouth Science Park Young Business Person of the Year sponsored by The University of Plymouth Built Environment and Infrastructure Award Corporate Social Responsibility Award Apprenticeship Development Award Lifetime Achievement Award sponsored by City College Plymouth Environmental Success of the Year sponsored by YGS Landscapes Marine Business of the Year Manufacturing Business of the Year sponsored by BD Diagnostics Business in the Face of Adversity Special Award The Plymouth Live Business Awards have been launched and entries can be made now

We can’t wait to celebrate the incredible accomplishments of Plymouth businesses on November 3 – if you feel you or your business is a good fit for one of the categories below, enter now.