Cornerstone to build care home in Bristol, creating 140 jobs

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A Portsmouth-based nursing home provider has been granted planning permission to build a £13m care home in Bristol, creating 140 jobs.

Cornerstone Healthcare will construct the 80-bedroom property within the Imperial Park development in the south of the city.

The project is being partly funded by Cornerstone and it’s equity investors Ignite Growth.

Specialist care home architect and project management consultancy Northstar and sustainability experts Sustainable Construction Services (SCS) will work together on the scheme, which is expected to be completed in the autumn of 2023.

Johann van Zyl, Cornerstone chief executive, said receiving planning consent was a “milestone” for the company as it looked to expand across the south of England.

The building will have solar panels on the roof to provide electricity and will use environmentally friendly air source heat pumps to heat and cool the building, Cornerstone said. It will also have a rooftop garden and a sustainable drainage system.

Danny Sharpe, of care home designers Northstar, said the property was “on course” for an ‘Excellent’ certification from the sustainability assessment body Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM).

He said: “Our client – Cornerstone Healthcare – is very forward thinking and sees the huge benefits in having a thermally efficient, ‘green’ building which will lead the way for care homes in the future.”

Forbes Stuart of Ignite added: “We are delighted to continue to support the Cornerstone team with the next phase in their development plan to extend its services to the South West.

“The green credentials of this build are equally pleasing as climate change is at the forefront of everyone’s mind now more than ever”.

Cornerstone already has care homes in Waterlooville, in Portsmouth; in Southampton; and Camberley in Surrey.

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Hannah BakerSouth West Business Editor