Investing in staff is one of the best things a business can do and Smith Partnership Solicitors knows this only too well.

The last 18 months have seen the business world reshaped and what we once considered a normal working day has changed.

Businesses more than ever relied upon their staff and the legal organisation, with offices in Friar Gate, said having a happy workforce is good for business.

“We believe in supporting staff in different ways and the last year has shown that supporting staff is essential,” said Russell Davies, a partner at the firm.

“We always seek to work with our staff so they can be the best that they can be. This, of course, has a positive impact on company performance.”

It is one of the reasons the firm is once again sponsoring the Employer of the Year category at the 2021 DerbyshireLive Business Awards, which takes place later this year.

“We are looking for firms who have the same values we have when it comes to employing staff,” said Mr Davies. “We are looking for new and innovative ways to develop staff personally and professionally.”

Smith Partnership Solicitors are firm supporters of the DerbyshireLive Business Awards

“We always seek to work with our staff so they can be the best that they can be. This of course has a positive impact on company performance. Investing in staff is one of the best investments a business can make.”

The company is no stranger to the awards, having won Marketing Team of the year in 2017 and Professional Services team of the year in 2019.

“Following these successes we saw a huge rise in team morale, so we know these awards mean more than just a title,” said Mr Davies. “They really have a positive impact on several levels.”

Smith Partnership, which has been providing legal services for more than 30 years ago, can help with issues such as employment and criminal law, clinical negligence, personal injury, commercial property and debt recovery.

“Smith Partnership combines decades’ worth of legal expertise with a desire to do things a little differently,” said Mr Davies.

“As well as offering the knowledge and hands-on experience you’d expect from a leading UK law firm, we also pride ourselves on taking a straight-talking, jargon-free approach to your case.”

In 2018 it opened a new head office in Derby, but it also has offices across Derby, Burton, Stoke, Leicester and Swadlincote. It is one of the largest full-service law firms in the region.

“Our approach involves developing a relationship of trust, offering a service that supports your business and gets to the heart of the matter,” added Mr Davies.

The Derbyshire Live Business Awards are back for another year with the ceremony taking place on Thursday, October 21.


The annual ceremony aims to celebrate success, recognise achievement and highlight the innovative companies and people throughout Derbyshire.


“These awards have always been a date that every business in Derby has in the diary as it really does celebrate the best of the best,” said Russell Davies, a partner in the firm.


“As a business with offices across the East Midlands and our head office in Derby’s Cathedral Quarter we really do appreciate the positive impact that an award like this can have on a business and staff.”

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Hundreds of business leaders are due to attend the 2021 DerbyshireLive Business Awards at the Derby Arena on Thursday, October 21, 2021.

The black-tie event – supported by BusinessLive and DerbyshireLive in association with Champions (UK) PLC – celebrates the very best the region’s business community has to offer.

And as well as honouring the county’s best companies, the awards are also a great reminder that Derbyshire is a great place to do business.

This year there will be 16 categories, ranging from Start-up of the Year to Business Entrepreneur of the Year, Employer of the Year, and not forgetting the overall Company of the Year.

Category sponsors will help judge the individual awards, which will include site visits as and when conditions permit.

The Employer of the Year category honours the region’s top employers, companies that demonstrate strong investment in their employees as well as having a reward scheme and other key employee benefits.

Mr Davies said recognition is always important and winning, or even being a finalist can help with recruitment and staff retention.

“The awards are also a great way to increase credibility, benchmark your company against others and is a great way to get some amazing PR and social media content,” he said.

“Winning the award is only a small part of the coverage a business can get, when we have won awards we have ensured that we use all social media platforms to promote our wins, this kept the euphoria from winning at a high for us and the team at Smith Partnership.”

For more details about the company visit its website.

For more details about the awards visit the website and to book tickets, contact Michelle Roberts, [email protected].