The Development Bank of Wales wants to unlock the potential of Wales’ economy by increasing access to sustainable and effective finance, helping to back businesses and bring ambitions to life for people and communities throughout the country.

Knowing Welsh businesses as well as they do, they know diverse businesses make better businesses and are a key driver of economic growth.

That’s why they were proud to sponsor the Diversity and Inclusion category at the Daily Post Business Awards 2022, to celebrate those businesses who are embracing the benefits and opportunities a diverse culture offers, and to recognise the contributions made by businesses and communities across Wales.

People from under-represented groups, disadvantaged backgrounds or those who consider themselves disabled often face challenges in the workplace.

As business owners, they may not see themselves reflected in the business community, meaning they often miss out on gaining access to finance, technical knowledge, contacts, shared expertise or other business support. They may also face barriers when trying to pitch ideas or products to investors or backers.

Those businesses that recognise the benefits equality and inclusion can bring across all characteristics – be it race, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, race or religion – can bring great improvements to the wider business world.

They bring together people with a wide range of expertise and perspectives, and support and empower business people and employees from traditionally under-represented backgrounds.

The Daily Post Business Awards’ The Diversity and Inclusion category recognises the efforts made by those businesses who have embraced inclusion and equality, going above and beyond expectations and adding value to themselves, their employees and their communities.

The Development Bank seeks to break down the barriers to investment, supporting communities and people across Wales.

As well as championing diversity in those businesses which it supports, the Development Bank is an equal opportunities and diverse employer striving to be an employer of choice.

Its efforts are accredited annually and have gained a Chwarae Teg’s fairplay employer silver award which recognises employers who have put inclusion at the heart of their operations.

Neil Maguinness, Risk, Compliance and Legal Director at the Development Bank of Wales, said: “At the Development Bank of Wales, we believe investing in businesses that reflect the diversity in the communities we serve helps make our society more equal, inclusive, and cohesive – as well as bringing a wider range of expertise and experiences to the Welsh business sphere.

“Diverse businesses, which provide equality of opportunity to all employees, empower everyone and allow them to contribute their talents and capabilities, are better businesses.”

To find out more, visit the Development Bank of Wales website, here. To see the full list of winners, see Daily Post Business Awards website, here.