ADVERTORIAL: Hackurity is ‘raising the bar’ within the cybersecurity industry

If you’d brought up cyber attacks in a meeting just a few decades ago, your colleagues would’ve laughed you out of the room. But in today’s highly digital world, this is a very real and common threat to businesses the world over.

As technology becomes more prevalent in our day-to-day lives, criminals become progressively more sophisticated in their operations, making it hard for businesses to stay safe. But that’s where this Netherlands-based cybersecurity company comes in.

Based in Rotterdam, Hackurity was founded in 2021 by cyber security expert, Felix Nagy, and marketing expert, Harold de Vries. The start-up was brought to life out of frustration that IT Security is highly fragmented and reactive.

The company’s mission is ambitious, yet simple: “We will make the internet safe again by preventing cyber criminals from succeeding.”

Looking after your company’s cyber security is vital in today’s technology-driven world (Image: Hackurity) Why does your business need a solution like Hackurity?

Through a complete suite of innovative and fully automated cyber security and attack simulation solutions, Hackurity finds vulnerabilities in your IT infrastructure, before threat actors will exploit them. But before we get into those technicalities, it might be simplest to start by looking at how our internet usage has changed.

Harold, who has a rich history of working in marketing and can boast of working for companies such as Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, and Sabre Corporation, laid down some rather stark facts.

“In 2016/17 we had about 15 billion devices connected to the internet, so about two for every person on the globe. In the next couple of years, it is expected that there will be 80 billion devices,” he said.

“Look at your smart doorbell, TV, washing machine as examples, they’re all connected to the internet and, with that, hackable. These products are designed with cost efficiency as a higher priority than their digital security.”

“We prevent system intrusions by strengthening your cyber security” – Hackurity (Image: KeepCoding via Unsplash)

With this in mind, it’s easy to see how the gadgets that are now vital to modern existence can actually leave us vulnerable to hackers, who are often unlikely characters: “Microsoft, Samsung and NVDIA were brought down by a bored teenager one afternoon. We want to take away this chance. We want to raise the general bar of cyber security so it does not happen again,” said Felix, the brains behind Hackurity.

“We want to be the next standard. We want to take away the edge of teenagers hacking companies like Microsoft in their free time. We want to raise that bar in cyber security.”

But how is Hackurity able to raise that bar? Unlike its competitors, Hackurity looks at cyber security a bit differently.

Specialising in vulnerability and penetration testing, the company can search and scan a business’ IT infrastructure and start penetrating as soon as they find a vulnerability, meaning they’ve combined two different solutions into one.

Harold explained: “So, normally people are either doing the vulnerability scanning and just saying: ‘I have found something, here it is’. Quite often, that leads to false positives. But what we do is that we combine that with penetration testing which is traditionally something that is manually done by a person so it’s already it’s a 9-5 kind of job, whereas we’ve automated it so it runs 24/7.

“We have linked that up with vulnerability scanning so we scan the entire IT infrastructure of our customers very quickly and very broadly and as soon as we find a vulnerability our solution will kick into the next gear and penetrate or exploit that vulnerability.”

This 24/7 automated service means Hackurity’s tests are always relevant with up-to-date results. Any threat or vulnerability found is reported to you within minutes, including full details and fixes.

It means they are able to close off the most public layer of your network to hackers and cyber criminals, and are in the next level of your network. to find vulnerabilities. Once found, Hackurity are able to build up cyber resilience through every part of your IT infrastructure. However, for those of us who aren’t IT specialists, it may be easier to compare the process to a bank robbery.

“We’re already inside the bank, so we have already passed the front door, so to speak, and we are one step closer to the big vault. We only send the customer an automated update of the vulnerability after we’ve been able to exploit it. So, we give them the full details of the vulnerability and we know it’s a vulnerability because we have exploited it so there are no false positives, no time-wasting for our customers,” said Harold.

Felix Nagy has experience working for companies such as Aegon, ABN AMRO, Rabobank, LeasePlan and Stripe (Image: Hackurity)

When it comes to cybersecurity, you need a company you can trust, so Business Live sat down with the Hackurity team to find out more.

The ethical hacker

Felix is the driver of Hackurity’s technology and has the experience to back it up.

“My background is cyber security and entrepreneurship. Since my university days, now more than 15 years ago, I have focused on DevOps and DevSecOps. In the last decade, I have worked tirelessly to become one of the world’s best ethical hackers. In this period, I have worked for Aegon, ABN AMRO, Rabobank, LeasePlan and Stripe to name a few.

“Through this journey, I realised how reactive and patchy most cyber security solutions are and that most organisations don’t have dedicated cyber security teams.

“That’s why I started to develop custom-built and automated security solutions, which enhance cyber security to the point of potentially making red teams redundant. The focus of my solutions is on intrusion prevention to keep the IT infrastructure and data of my customers safe.”

Now, Felix has taken everything he has learned and focused it into his start-up company, Hackurity: “My vast experience in cyber security comes together with

“Our solutions are of the highest level and improve the cyber security for our customers. Through automation, we can keep the costs lower, can find vulnerabilities much faster than most competitors and generate invaluable cyber security improvements for our customers.”

Harold commented on Felix’s impressive CV: “That background makes us quite unique because there are only four people, including Felix, across the Netherlands with such a similar background.”

“Cyber security of the highest level as he developed for the banks should not be just for the banks, it should also be for SMEs.”

Harold de Vries was described as a internet ‘superhero’ by his son (Image: Hackurity) The superhero

Harold decided to work in cyber security after coming face-to-face with issues of our digital world: “My interest in cyber security dates back to around 2014. That time, I got notified that my email address had been part of a data breach. Since then I learned more about cyber security, followed and studied the news of data breaches across the world.”

When Felix asked him to get on board and to help promote Hackurity with his marketing knowledge, Harold jumped at the opportunity, something that his son is very proud of: “We really want to help companies eradicate all these data breaches, cyber-attacks, ransomware attacks, everything. We want to, as much as we can, eradicate that. And as my son said the other day, he sees daddy as a superhero for fighting the computer baddies and that’s more or less what we want to do.”

Harold finished up by answering the question, why should my business choose Hackurity?

“For two reasons,” he said. “First of all, our solutions are fully automated and always 24/7 so you have real-time insight and observation knowledge of your cyber resilience. From any vulnerability point of view, we can make your IT infrastructure as safe as possible.

“Second of all, we put our customers central to what we do. We are able to customise our solutions to the customer that we have. In that sense, we basically are not selling them anything that they wouldn’t need on top of that. If they just need a regular test or ongoing test, we can do that. We can also increase our service and add a scanning tool that scans the dark web for any compromised company accounts.”

To find out more about cyber security, head to the Hackurity website, here, or email [email protected] to find out what the company can do for your business.