Here at Business Live we pride ourselves on delivering expert business content and detailed coverage of key business sectors. And we’re clearly doing something right, as we welcomed an impressive 770k visitors to our site in June 2021.

But for businesses we can do more. Much more. As part of Reach, the UK’s largest news media publisher, we’re perfectly placed to promote your business and grow your customer base through our marketing solutions.

We have a full stack of advertising products designed to put businesses like yours in front of our audience on Business Live and across the wider Reach network. You may be surprised to discover that we also offer a comprehensive suite of digital marketing services that will help you make the most of the latest online opportunities.

Want to know more? Here, we’ve listed nine of the ways Business Live can help your business get more customers.

If you want to cut to the chase and speak to someone about our marketing opportunities, fill in the quick form on our site and one of the team will be in touch.

1. Promote your business using online ads

Perhaps the most obvious way we can help. See those mouth-watering ad spaces dotted around Business Live, promoting businesses to the thousands of people who visit our site every day? That could be your business or brand, and the ads can click through to your little space on the web. There are a variety of ad sizes and formats, and our team can advise on the best mix to meet your aims as well as outline the benefits of display advertising. Our in-house creative team can even design ads for you if required. It’s all part of the service.

2. Write special features about your business

Our award-winning journalists can share your story in paid-for features. We call it content marketing and the features look and read just like a typical article on Business Live, only it’s all about you, and you get to sign it off. Publishing quality content is what we do every day, so you can trust our writers to tailor the content to appeal to the people you’re looking to reach. Below are examples of content marketing features we’ve recently published on Business Live. What can we write about your business as part of a content marketing strategy?

3. Boost your profile on social media

We don’t like to boast, but we are the social specialists. We have the audience to prove it – millions of followers who engage with Reach channels every day – and we’ve won shiny awards for our work on social media. We can promote your business to our huge audience on multiple social channels, which will push traffic in your direction. Our experts can also build you a paid social media advertising campaign on Facebook and Instagram.

Any questions so far? Get in touch here.

4. Connect you with local communities on InYourArea

You’re no doubt familiar with InYourArea, Reach’s local news, information and community platform. The millions of people that value InYourArea are your potential customers – and we have beautifully simple ways to connect you with them. InYourArea’s location-targeted solution lets you reach people in the areas that matter to you, anywhere in the UK. This means that your ads are always relevant and seen by potential customers that are right for your business. Plus, InYourArea’s Business Membership provides everything you need to ‘own your area’ and get ahead of the competition.

The InYourArea community platform, displayed on desktop and mobile
InYourArea reaches across regions, cities and towns, connecting business with their potential customers, wherever they are

5. Shoot, edit and share promotional videos

We all want our name in lights, and video is a great way of achieving this. Our in-house video production team has years of experience and can create everything from quick 30-second clips to full video-led campaigns. And we don’t just hand you a great video and reverse out of the room like most production companies – we can also share it with the millions of people who visit our news sites and social channels every month. For maximum impact we can combine your videos with a display advertising campaign or as part of a content marketing feature.

6. Help you profit from pay per click

Outside of the Reach network, pay per click or paid search advertising is a great way of getting your message in front of customers as they’re searching online for the products or services you sell. It can be particularly valuable for businesses that sell stuff online. It can also be confusing and difficult to set up. At Reach we have a dedicated Google-accredited team with thousands of successful campaigns behind them who can explain how pay per click works and advise on keywords, budgets and scheduling. They’ll take care of the whole process for you.

You can speak to one of our team members about pay per click or anything else by clicking here.

7. Build you a brilliant new website

If you don’t have a website, or your current one is looking a bit 2002, don’t worry as we have another in-house team on hand to help. This one will design and build you a professional, responsive website that’s easy to update, manage and monitor. And not only will it look super smart but everything will be in place under the hood to ensure it ticks all the boxes that search engines are looking for, thereby improving your search ranking and boosting your whole online presence.

A smart website design for a local business
If you’re looking for a smart new website, or need to boost the online presence of your existing site, we can help

8. Buy digital ad space on your behalf

Programmatic advertising is the automated process of buying and selling digital ad space, allowing you to intelligently target prospective customers. It’s a powerful online advertising tool, yet getting it right can be something of a dark art. Well guess what? We have a team for that too, and it’s staffed by skilled traders who’ll grab the digital ad space required to meet your aims.

9. Align your business with community awards and events

Every year we deliver best-in-class events, both in-person and virtual, covering a wide range of sectors including business, education, health, food, tech, travel and more. Our event sponsorship opportunities allow you to highlight and promote your business to a captive audience, as well as engage with potential customers and raise your company profile by associating with trusted brands like Business Live.

There you go. Nine ways Business Live and Reach can help you get more customers. Obviously every business has different requirements and objectives, so if you’re not sure which solution (or combination of solutions) would work best for you, fill in the quick form and one of our experts will be happy to advise.

Audience source: Google Analytics – June 2021