ADVERTORIAL: Strode College answers 13 common employer questions about apprenticeships
At a time when the cost of living is higher than ever for both the general public and businesses, many employers may be hesitant to take on new staff. However, apprenticeships at Strode College take both the financial and logistical pressures off the employer, meaning you can find new talent without the extra worry.
Apprenticeships are without a doubt one of the best, most innovative, ways of bringing valuable skills into your business, but with this comes a lot of questions. Luckily for you, Strode College has answered some of the most frequently asked questions so you don’t have to:
1. Why should I employ an apprentice rather than a regular new employee?
There are so many reasons why going for an apprenticeship over a conventional employee is a superb idea – the National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) reports that 96 per cent of employers who took an apprentice saw at least one benefit to their business.
For the employee, apprenticeships offer the chance to gain valuable skills, increase earning potential and improve life opportunities. They bring benefits to the workforce by increasing diversity and helping companies compete in the modern marketplace.
What’s more, they are fantastically loyal – and according to the NAS, 90 per cent stay on in their place of work after completing an apprenticeship.

(Image: Strode College)
2. How do apprenticeships work?
Apprentices must be aged 16 or over and paid at least the minimum apprenticeship wage (currently £4.30/Hr for the first year). They combine working with studying to gain skills and knowledge on the job.
Working with experienced staff, they learn job-specific skills and get time to train or study during their working week in partnership with an employer and a training provider.
Depending on the level, ability and industry, most apprenticeships last between one and four years, with the individual gaining a qualification upon completion.
3. How much will an apprenticeship cost the business?
There are many variables to how much your business will have to pay for a placement, with training fees, wages and recruitment all playing a part.
Ninety-nine per cent of Small Medium Enterprise (SME) businesses pay a maximum of just five per cent of the apprenticeship training costs. The government pays the remaining 95 per cent.
The remaining one per cent of businesses (those with an annual wage bill greater than £3million) pay into an Apprenticeship Levy, which is used for apprenticeship training. The government tops up the Levy accounts by 10 per cent.

(Image: Strode College)
4. Are all apprentices’ school leavers?
The idea that all apprentices are young school leavers is a myth. Apprenticeships are for anyone over the age of 16 including those who want to change direction in their career and people wanting to develop their skills while working in their current role. In fact, in 2019/20, 47 per cent of apprenticeships started were by people aged 25 or over.
5. Can I offer a part-time apprenticeship?
Yes – part-time apprenticeships are common as long as the employer, apprentice and training provider are all in agreement. Part-time courses usually last for longer than a full-time apprenticeship to ensure that the apprentice has enough time to gain both the job skills and off-the-job training needed to successfully complete the programme.

(Image: Strode College)
6. Can I offer apprenticeships to existing staff members?
Yes! Apprenticeships for existing staff – even very experienced employees – are incredibly popular. They may be keen to gain a formal qualification, additional Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in their specialist area, or have the aptitude and drive to learn something new and progress into a different role.
7. Do apprentices have the same rights as other staff?
Pretty much, yes. They are entitled to a contract of employment, a minimum of 20 days’ paid leave a year, as well as rest breaks and health and safety protection. This is on the condition that apprentices work towards an approved apprenticeship and that their training is at least 12 months. If you need more information, head to the government website, here: Pay and Conditions for an Apprentice
8. How much time will an apprentice spend on their off-the-job training?
Employers are responsible for ensuring the apprentice spends at least 20 per cent of their hours at work doing off-the-job training – usually meaning one day a week away from the business but this can vary depending on the course.
9. What are the employer’s responsibilities with an apprenticeship?
Giving an apprentice the chance to develop, practice and evidence knowledge, skills and learn behaviours. Allowing them to attend off-the-job training; taking part in regular reviews with the apprentice, and liaising regularly with the training provider to support your apprentice through their programme.
10. Do I have to offer the apprentice a permanent job if they successfully complete the programme?
Apprentices are, in the vast majority of cases, often offered permanent employment during their placement or at graduation, but this is not always the case. It is worth considering the time and energy you have put into them and whether training someone new would be worth it. However, there is no obligation to keep someone on after they’ve completed their apprenticeship.

(Image: Strode College)
11. Can I offer an apprenticeship in a department with a skills gap?
This is often the biggest benefit of apprenticeships to businesses, as it allows them to hire a candidate whose skills are in line with the skillset they are looking for. In apprenticeships, skills are developed on the job, meaning an apprentice’s abilities will be catered precisely to your business.
12. Do apprentices need to shadow an existing member of staff for the duration of the programme?
Employers are encouraged to provide ‘on-the-job’ training for the apprentice. It could include aspects such as a comprehensive induction, mentoring or regular one-to-one guidance with a specific member of staff.
13. How do I get started?
If you are ready to take on an apprentice, you do not have to do it alone. Strode College Business Development Team is here to discuss your recruitment needs and how they can support you to bridge the skills gap. If you are interested, please send an email to [email protected] and a member of the team will call you back.
For more information about taking on an apprentice or to learn more about the college, head to the Strode College website, here.