With a range of environmental and financial benefits on offer, many businesses are switching to renewable energy sources.

Opting for a zero carbon, fully renewable electricity supply is a simple step that many businesses can take in order to reduce their carbon footprint.

Birmingham-based Bryt Energy supplies zero carbon, 100% renewable electricity to British businesses, helping to reduce costs whilst working towards a low carbon future.

They’re a carbon neutral supplier* too, and working with them allows companies to make a substantial difference to their carbon footprint by significantly lowering carbon emissions associated with their electricity supply.

They also supported the Birmingham Post Business Awards this year, by sponsoring the Small Business of the Year category. The winners of the award were Sutton Coldfield-based video production company Ark Media Productions.

Wind turbines
Bryt Energy supplies zero carbon, 100% renewable electricity to British businesses

Bryt Energy helps businesses to become more sustainable. Their carbon calculator makes it easy to see the difference that switching to zero carbon, 100% renewable electricity could have for your company.

Here are four of the benefits that renewable electricity can bring to your business:

1. Expanding your customer base

With customers becoming more aware of their eco-footprint, many are favouring brands that strive to reduce their environmental impact.

Switching to zero carbon, 100% renewable electricity is a good way to demonstrate your business’ commitment to sustainability and avoid alienating eco-savvy customers.

A recent survey revealed that 50% of customers only buy from brands that try to be eco-friendly. (1)

However, it is also important to avoid greenwashing- where companies claim to be eco-friendly, but don’t take real action to reduce their environmental impact. Customers are becoming more aware of this, so it is vital to be transparent and ensure you can support any of the sustainability claims that your business makes.

With an increasing number of companies now required to report on their carbon emissions through schemes such as the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting scheme, switching to a zero carbon electricity supply is an important step.

2. Attracting the best candidates to your workforce

Working for sustainable companies is an important factor for millennials, with 70% of this age group claiming that they were more likely to choose to work for a company with a strong environmental ethos. (2)

Given the fact that millennials make up over 50% of the workforce, it is important for businesses to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, in order to attract the best talent.

Wind turbines
Switching to zero carbon electricity can benefit your business

With sustainability being so important to the workforce, making a switch to zero carbon electricity is a great first step for businesses to show that it matters to them too.

3. Boosting your business’ investment appeal

Investors are increasingly using Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria when considering whether to invest in businesses- this criteria examines how a business impacts the environment and wider society it operates in. If you are seeking funding from investors, making the switch to a zero carbon electricity supply could help.

Bryt Energy’s carbon footprint would be almost 20% larger if they didn’t source their electricity from zero carbon, 100% renewable sources, highlighting the significant difference that can be made when switching to renewable electricity. (3)

4. Stand out from the competition

If you want to stand out when buyers are seeking suppliers, then it is important to focus on reducing your emissions. Many businesses are now realising the value of sustainability, and those at the top of the supply chain are increasingly focussed on their Scope 3 emissions, which cover all of the indirect emissions that occur within an organisation’s value chain.

If you aren’t making simple changes, such as switching to zero carbon, 100% renewable electricity, then it is less likely that sustainable buyers will be willing to work with you. Making the switch is a good way of demonstrating your business’ commitment to a low carbon future, and to ensure that you don’t miss out on opportunities.

To find out more about Bryt Energy and how your business can benefit from zero carbon, 100% renewable electricity, click here.

*Carbon neutral is defined by Bryt Energy as Scope 1, 2 & 3 for the categories of gas, electricity, water, waste and business travel. The scope 1, 2 & 3 carbon emissions for 2016-2019 were 106.64 tonnes and therefore 110 tonnes of carbon credits were retired on behalf of Bryt Energy by EcoAct in August 2020.


(1) https://www.marketingweek.com/brands-sustainability-convenience/

(2) https://www.fastcompany.com/90306556/most-millennials-would-take-a-pay-cut-to-work-at-a-sustainable-company

(3) https://www.brytenergy.co.uk/media/2113/bryt-by-nature-report.pdf