Challenges, resilience and opportunities are just three of the many issues that East Midlands businesses have faced in 2021.

This is reflected in the 2021 East Midlands Top 500 Companies, an authoritative listing created in partnership between research teams at DeMontfort, Derby and Nottingham Trent universities, East Midlands Chamber and Reach Plc.

It will be revealed by Business Live from the end of June and is sponsored by family-owned investment and property company Bradgate Estates.

A panel of experts, including representatives from these organisations, are gathering online to discuss the findings of the Top 500 Companies in the East Midlands 2021 at a webinar from 2pm to 3pm on Thursday, July 1 – and you are invited to join them.

It’s a ticketed event and you can sign up here.

You are also welcome to submit questions to the panel, just email [email protected] in advance.

The Top 500 East Midlands Companies listing was first launched in May 2020 amid the height of the pandemic.

The latest version will reflect on the changing economic climate in which companies across the East Midlands have demonstrated impressive resilience.

The region is home to some of the best-known brands in the UK, especially in retail.

Last year Boots topped the list after registering a turnover of £6.837bn in the year to August 2017. It was also the region’s second largest employer, with more than 40,000 members of staff registered in that year.

The Top 500 East Midlands Companies shines a light on some of the region’s best success stories and also recognises the hard work of the universities which are creating the business leaders of tomorrow.

This year’s debate will concentrate on what the results of the findings of the authoritative listing mean for the East Midlands region, both now and in the future.

East Midlands Top 500 Companies logo 2021
East Midlands Top 500 Companies logo 2021

Professor David Rae, Editor EM Top 500 2021 report, said: “The Round Table panel session for the EM Top 500 2021 on 1 July will bring together a group of highly distinguished business leaders and experts within the East Midlands region.

“They are used to asking tough and probing questions. They will explore what is going on ‘behind the data’ in the Top 500 and, more importantly, what this means for the health of the region’s economy, its businesses and communities at this crucial time.”

Anthony Parker from Bradgate Estates said: “Sponsoring Top 500 East Midlands Companies 2021 is our way of encouraging an inter-city company dialogue, and closing the gap between the region’s businesses with our excellent academic sector, local councils and the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce to enhance the economic prospects for all in the region.

“I encourage our local companies to host more of our local university and business school graduates to capitalise on the knowledge and skills they can offer.”

Sign up to the Top 500 East Midlands Companies 2021 online panel event webinar from 2pm to 3pm on Thursday July 1 here