New Anglesey housing estate planned for former island school site

Plans for a new housing estate at the site of former Anglesey school have been submitted. Ysgol Parch Thomas Ellis in Holyhead closed back in 2017 and pupils transferred to a new ‘super-school’ in the port town.

The school was later demolished and the site cleared. Now plans are in from Anglesey council for a new housing development with 43 homes.

The application also covers proposed highway link road improvements to connect Tan-Yr-Efail and Holyhead Enterprise Park.

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Agent George and Tomos Penseiri said: “It is the authority’s intention is to apply for Welsh Government(WG) grant funding, so all design work will have to follow WG’s procedures for Social Housing Grant. The scheme is to be a 100% affordable development that will be managed upon completion by the Local Authority.

The former Ysgol y Parchedig Thomas Ellis

“The proposed development will deliver much needed affordable housing within Holyhead, addressing the identified need within Sir Fon/the Isle of Anglesey itself.”

On the link road, they added: “Works to provide a highway Link Road to connect Tan-Yr-Efail and Holyhead Enterprise Park as part of the overall development also further improves vehicular, pedestrian & cycling connectivity to this part of Holyhead town.” The plans will now be considered by the council’s planning department.

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