Free marketing, valuable exposure and increased credibility. Your business could thrive with one simple entry to the CambridgeshireLive Business Awards 2022.

From pioneering start-ups to local powerhouses, these awards celebrate Cambridgeshire’s finest talent – and that includes you.

It’s been a difficult time for everyone, so why not boost team morale with a special event and possibly a prestigious award all dedicated to your achievements?

Submit your entry online before Friday, January 21, 2022.

Held at the Great Hall, King’s College on Thursday, March 24, the black-tie evening will see nine brilliant businesses boost their future with a coveted win. For more information about the event, headline sponsored by Barclays, visit the website.

Previous winners have used the awards to go on to develop national and international success. CPS Building Services Ltd is one of those local success stories.

Winner of the Stock PPE Medium Business of the Year title last year, the innovative building services contractor was founded in Cambridgeshire more than two decades ago and has grown substantially ever since.

Its recent skyrocketing success can be accredited to Liam Connelly, the managing director who took leadership of the business in 2016. His transformative work, which includes an annual turnover of more than £25m and an employee increase of 108%, also won him Business Person of the Year at the 2020 awards.

Two men next to van on building site
CPS Building Services Ltd won the Stock PPE Medium Business of the Year 2020

After seeing the impact of the CambridgeshireLive Business Awards firsthand, Liam is a huge advocate for the opportunities it brings.

“CPS has grown significantly since winning at the CambridgeshireLive Business Awards. I have absolutely no doubt securing the awards raised our profile within the local community and has helped push our business forward in difficult market conditions,” Liam said.

“Winning the award felt like a huge achievement for myself and the team at CPS. I set the goal of winning the business awards and after getting finalist status in 2018 it made me more determined than ever to keep trying to get this prestigious local recognition.

“I would highly recommend being part of the event; it’s a great experience with an opportunity of getting some very valuable local recognition and an opportunity to meet other fantastic local businesses.”

Enter online before the deadline on January 21, 2022.

Use #CambsLiveBizAwards to keep up-to-date with the event.

man in glasses and suit smiling at camera
Liam Connelly, managing director of CPS Building Services Ltd
The categories for CambridgeshireLive Business Awards 2022 are:
Diversity and Inclusion Award

This award recognises organisations for harnessing a truly diverse workforce that excels in their commitment to equality and inclusion across all strands of diversity. The category will cover excellence in all areas of diversity including age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, race and religion.

The judges will be looking for a vanguard in business that has put diversity, equity and inclusion at the heart of their business culture with outstanding results.

Entries must demonstrate how the business has gone above and beyond its corporate social responsibility, shown commitment and dedication to equality, can exhibit positive results on the organisational culture and prove that it is a true champion of diversity and inclusion. Workplace equality as more than just policies and practices, it is something that runs through the heart of what a business does.

BioMed Realty Award for Social Entrepreneurship

This award is for an initiative which has delivered or will deliver the most impressive impact on society in terms of social, environmental and economy. The initiative could be operating at a local, national or international level but must demonstrate significant ability or potential to make a transformational difference.

Headline sponsor of the CambridgeshireLive Business Awards for a seventh year, and sponsoring the Barclays Award for Large Business of the Year, Barclays has supported business and innovation for more than 325 years. n

Duncan McCunn, head of Mid-Corporate, Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire, said: “Barclays is proud to sponsor the awards, as they showcase the very best of Cambridgeshire business. We’re dedicated to helping companies take action to address the environmental and sustainability challenges facing our planet.


“We believe that an inclusive economy is a better economy for everyone, investing in citizenship programmes to have long-term positive impacts in local communities.”


The CambridgeshireLive Business Awards 2022 will take place on Thursday, March 24, 2022 at the Great Hall, King’s College. To enter or find out more information, click here.

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HCR Hewitsons Award for Innovation in Business

This category is for an initiative in terms of innovation research and development which has most impressed you within the last 12 months.

Small Business of the Year

We are looking for businesses that have revenues of up to £5m and can demonstrate an increasing market presence or impact. They may be achieving this through adaptability or diversification into new markets.

Medium Business of the Year

We are looking for businesses that have revenues of £5 to £25m and can demonstrate an increasing market presence or impact. They may be achieving this through adaptability or diversification into new markets.

Barclays Award for Large Business of the Year

We are looking for businesses that have revenues of £25m+ and can demonstrate an increasing market presence or impact. They may be achieving this through adaptability, innovation, or diversification into new markets.

Business Person of the Year, AstraZeneca Award for Outstanding Contribution and the Price Bailey Award for Business of the Year will be chosen be our distinguished panel of judges.

  • Entries close on Friday, January 21, 2022.
  • To enter or for more information, visit the website. #CambsLiveBizAwards