SPONSORED: How Leicestershire’s latest innovators impressed judges
Leicestershire has always been a hub of innovation.
Despite the past few years, nothing could stop the creative people and businesses in the region from finding new and exciting ways to shape our world.
Now in it’s fourth year, the LeicestershireLive Innovation Awards is close to honouring its winning class of 2022.
Supported by regional powerhouses University of Leicester, De Montfort University and Morningside Pharmaceuticals, the special grand ceremony will be held at the King Power Stadium on Thursday, February 24.
Tickets, which are £50+VAT per person, are on sale now.
With many impressive nominations flooding in from the creative minds and innovation specialists across Leicestershire, this year’s panel of judges had a hard time whittling down their list of finalists and winners.
Find out what they thought of this year’s entries…
Claudia Eberlein, Loughborough University
Dean of Science, Professor of Theoretical Physics and Enterprise Lead at Loughborough University, Claudia Eberlein is passionate about teaching innovation.
About her time judging this year’s group of nominees, she said: “I have been very much impressed by the immensely broad spectrum of innovation activity among the nominations this year. I think all nominees have shown great determination in finding ingenious solutions to address pressing issues in all aspects of society, from high-tech to health, community life, and the arts. Leicestershire can be very proud of them all.
“I am very much looking forward to the event. I love the sense of adventure I get from interacting with so many enthusiastic innovators, joining the passionate discussions about their ventures, and learning about the often convoluted paths to real innovation.”
Philip Baker, University of Leicester
Professor Philip Baker, Pro Vice Chancellor of Research and Enterprise at University of Leicester was very impressed throughout the judging process.
He said: “It was Thomas Edison who said that ‘the value of an idea lies in the using of it,’ innovation is all about translation of an idea into action. What has been refreshing is that some of the nominations this year are very clear exemplars of doing things in new and different ways.
“I’m looking forward to the opportunity to recognise and reward best examples of innovation in city and county.”
Rob Ricketts, De Montfort Univeristy
Rob Ricketts, regional business development manager at De Montfort University is also the managing director of innovative textiles company CTEX NTX Ltd.
Rob knows the potential in the region, saying: “The diversity of innovation modes and sectors represents exactly what our region is all about, it was most pleasing to see so many applications from businesses that the judges were not previously aware of – some hidden gems have certainly shined during the judging process.”
“We saw at the ‘Meet the Finalists’ pre-award event plenty of discussions between the finalists, it would be great to see new collaborations result from the awards ceremony which might bring yet more innovative breakthroughs in ways we cannot yet imagine.”
Be the first to find out Leicestershire’s award winning innovations by grabbing a ticket to the exciting ceremony here. |
Chas Bishop, National Space Centre
An independent judge for this year’s awards, Chas Bishop is the chief executive of the National Space Centre and has been since its launch in 2001.
He said: “There are some wonderful nominations this year, from very simple to extremely complex to genuinely ‘out of this world’. There is real talent on display.
“I am looking forward to a really uplifting event. I anticipate the health of our people and the health of the planet being themes that run through the evening; entirely right as we try and get our heads round some of the biggest challenges we face.”
Dr Nik Kotecha OBE, Morningside Pharmaceuticals
Founder and chariman of Morningside Pharmaceuticals, Dr Nik Kotecha OBE is a business leader and entrepreneur, as well as a philanthropist and influencer. A constant supporter of local events, the company partners took the decision to change the category names to better reflect the wide-range of thriving sectors in Leicestershire.
Nik said: “I’m pleased to say that the judges were very impressed and inspired by the quality and diversity of this year’s entries, which showcase the remarkable innovations taking place throughout the county. Innovation is central to the future of our businesses, to job creation and the prosperity of our communities.
“I would like to thank each and every one of the nominees for sharing their stories during the ‘Meet the Finalists’ event, and to wish them all the best at the Innovation Awards evening.
“The innovators of today will be the entrepreneurial success stories of tomorrow, so having the opportunity to understand and celebrate their often ground-breaking work is a real privilege. Leicester Innovation Festival and the Innovation Awards are central to the county’s efforts to showcase the remarkable innovations we have taking place here.
“I am looking forward to seeing this year’s winners receive the recognition they deserve for their inspirational work, which in many cases will bring about great benefits to our businesses, communities and society as a whole, in the years ahead.”
Joining the above judges to help create the shortlist of local innovators were:
- Rachel York, Business Gateway Growth Hub
- John Buckby, Gately Legal
- Lisa Bingley, MIRA Technology Institute
- Sue Tilley Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership
As a leading manufacturer and distributor of generic and branded medicines to the UK and globally, Morningside has made a longstanding commitment to making quality healthcare an affordable and accessible reality throughout the world. Dr Nik Kotecha OBE, Chairman of Morningside Pharmaceuticals, said: “We’re thrilled to be a Headline Sponsor of the Innovation Awards once again.
“We look forward to celebrating the county’s leading individuals, teams and public sector bodies, whose ground-breaking innovations will help shape a successful future.”
The University of Leicester’s pioneering research and innovation has transformed lives by delivering local, national, and global impact. Professor Nishan Canagarajah, President and Vice-Chancellor, said: “The ideas and creativity displayed by the finalists of the Innovation Awards are truly inspiring and I hope that these awards will encourage more businesses and innovators to follow in their footsteps.
“We believe in developing strong partnerships with organisations from across both the public and private sectors, and supporting them to innovate, grow and flourish.”
DMU is in the top 10 UK universities for student and graduate start-ups and the first university in the region to be recognised for gold-standard cyber security teaching, by the National Cyber Security Centre. Vice-chancellor Katie Normington said: “These awards are a celebration of innovation in all its forms, celebrating great idea and showcasing the talent we have in Leicester and Leicestershire.
“We’re here to support businesses and innovators to develop and nurture those ideas and in turn, support the city and country to be known as a powerhouse for innovation and creativity.”
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On Thursday, February 24, the annual LeicestershireLive Innovation Awards 2022 will be held at King Power Stadium.
Tickets are sale here and are £50+VAT per person.