The public is being invited to have its say on the new design proposal for Swansea city centre’s Castle Square.

Swansea Council is encouraging public feedback on the updated design proposal of a new look stone plaza aimed at revitalising the area.

People can voice their opinions in a pre-application consultation (PAC) from April 25 to May 24.

Feedback will be reflected in a planning application, due to be submitted in the summer and will trigger further public consultation.

The redevelopment forms part of Swansea’s £1 billion regeneration project alongside a revitalised Wind Street, new Swansea Arena and Copr Bay developments.

The updated proposal was developed by the council after earlier public consultation on initial design ideas in December 2021.

It shows a new-look Castle Square with an increased amount of greenery, including plants, lawned areas and an increased number of trees.

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New planters, steps, seating, lighting and paving are also included along with two green-roofed commercial units which the council said could be divided for retail and cafe spaces with outside seating.

The existing water fountain would be removed and replaced by a new water jet feature which can be switched on and off to accommodate events in the space.

Council director of place Martin Nicholls said: “As part of the formal planning process for this development the public can have their say in a pre-application consultation (PAC) from April 25 to May 24. We’d like as much public feedback as possible.”