The location of Wales’ first freeport is expected to be revealed this spring. The Welsh and UK governments are currently jointly assessing the three bids put forward.

The winner will benefit from £26m in seed funding from the Westminster administration, the similar funding deal secured by freeports in England and Scotland. Currently England has eight freeports and Scotland unveiled the two selected bids for its first green freeports last month.

A Welsh freeport will be a special zone with the benefits of simplified customs procedures, relief on customs duties, tax and rates relief, streamlined planning, and wider government support for trade, investment and innovation. Goods entering freeports would not have to pay tariffs, import VAT or excise duty until they leave the freeport and enter the domestic UK market.

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While businesses within the zone would receive 100% business-rate relief for five years and forego NIC contributions on salaries up to £25,000 for new hires in the first three years. Freeport local authorities would also retain 100% of business rates revenues for 25 years.

Those bidding must demonstrate support for employment with good salaries and conditions, embed fair work practices in the wider freeport area, generate increased economic activity for Wales, stimulate net growth in jobs, and contribute to Wales’s Net Zero climate ambitions.

Though the Welsh Conservatives have called for two of the three bidders to be awarded freeport status, Economy Minister Vaughan Gething said a second freeport would require the same level of financial support from the Treasury.

However, critics believe freeports have little net economic benefit, claiming they mainly displace business activity from elsewhere. The UK Trade Policy Observatory said its analysis had found that the policy would have little effect in the UK because tariffs were already low.

The UK had seven freeports between 1984 and 2012, but were wound down due to their limited economic impact. During a debate in the Senedd, Luke Fletcher MS for Plaid Cymru said a freeport was a policy tried before which had little success and would be no means of taxing the profits of those businesses operating within a freeport.

While Labour MS Joyce Watson said freeports represented “low tax, low regulation, limited government ideology and a race to the bottom”.

But let’s look at the runners for Wales’ first freeport:

The Celtic Freeport

ABP Port Talbot Harbourside
ABP Port Talbot Harbourside

The Celtic Freeport consortium, which covers the ports of Milford Haven and Port Talbot, promises a multi-site freeport based on green energy.

Associated British Ports, Neath Port Talbot Council and the Port of Milford Haven are behind the bid with input from renewable developers, energy companies and academic institutions.

The bid is based around accelerating separate plans for an offshore wind farm in the Celtic Sea, alongside developing hydrogen and sustainable fuels, and carbon capture and storage.

If successful in its bid, the consortium said it could create 16,000 new jobs via processing, manufacturing and port jobs and generate £5.5bn of new inward investment in modern green technologies, which would work towards decarbonising Wales’ primary industrial cluster and contribute to the government’s net zero target.

It also proposes to pool and re-invest 25 years’ worth of non-domestic business rates growth of around £500m through a number of measures including the South Wales Industrial Transition from Carbon Hub (SWITCH), online adult learning programmes, and the Regional Learning and Skills Partnership.

Roger Maggs MBE, Chair of the consortium, said: “Together, these key players combine to create a compelling proposition for an integrated, multi-purpose freeport for Wales.

“The Celtic Freeport consortium also provides access to a huge development footprint, a skilled workforce and a network of local, regional and global partners capable of enabling the rapid growth of the floating offshore wind sector and a flourishing hydrogen economy in Wales.

“This could completely regenerate the economies of south and west Wales and beyond and the prospect of exporting floating wind and other green technologies developed here could add to this transformational effect.”

The Anglesey Freeport

Ulysses, operated by Irish Ferries and Stena Adventurer, operated by Stena Line load passengers at Holyhead Port on October 29, 2019 in Holyhead, Wales
Holyhead Port is operated by Stena Line and is one of the major gateways between Ireland and the UK

Backers for a freeport based around Anglesey have said the bid could attract £1bn of much-needed investment and create 13,000 high-salary jobs across north Wales.

The Anglesey Freeport is a partnership between Isle of Anglesey County Council and Swedish company Stena Line, which owns Holyhead Port and is a major local employer in the region.

A freeport on the island would see the establishment of a secure customs zone at Holyhead and other sites on Anglesey with special tax and tariff arrangements designed to attract major domestic and international investment.

It would simplify travelling through Holyhead and across the UK land bridge providing a boost to the port which has seen its freight trade impacted by Brexit. Trade that previously used the UK as a land bridge diverted to direct routes between Ireland and mainland Europe following the UK’s exit from the EU.

If successful, the bid is predicted to return Holyhead to pre-Brexit levels of trade and cement the area as a hub for innovation in trade and clean energy.

Its backers have also said that direct investment from business would also bring opportunities in R&D investment, service new green technologies and increase manufacturing output in north Wales.

It has the backing of 17 major businesses from a range of sectors including Rolls Royce, Bechtel and Last Energy along with Bangor University.

Stena Line chief operating officer Ian Hampton said: “Stena Line is determined to see a transformation in investment and economic activity for the Anglesey community. We have been part of this community for over 27 years and want to see this bid succeed. We know it can bring in transformational investment, drive innovation and create high-skilled, high-wage, high-value jobs. It can cement the region as a hub of global trading excellence.

“The freeport has many different elements. As well as a manufacturing hub it can become a world leader in blue innovation, help realise the successful vision of the Energy Island Programme and we want to see the establishment of World Customs Academy on the Ynys Môn.”

The Newport Freeport

New pictures of Cardiff Airport and the new logo on the front of the building. Cardiff Airport could receive a multi-million-pound boost from the Assembly Government, the Echo can reveal. Deputy First Minister Ieuan Wyn Jones confirmed it was looking at providing a 5m grant towards improvements to the terminals infrastructure. However, any financial help involving taxpayers money, known as state aid, must first be approved by the European Commission in Brussels. The bid was welcomed by the airline industry and the opposition, but there was also callsfor the Assembly Government to help attract a transatlantic airline. 28th, May, 2009.
Newport City Council has put in a regional freeport bid with Cardiff Airport

Newport City Council is leading the bid for a multi-site freeport in south east Wales, the only “inland” proposal being put forward.

The bid proposes Cardiff Airport as the core customs location with complementary tax sites at the Welsh Government-owned Rhyd-y-Blew in Blaenau Gwent, Imperial Park in Newport and a third suggested site at Bro Tathan Enterprise Zone in the Vale of Glamorgan.

If successful, it promises to create thousands of new jobs and provide a significant boost to the Rhoose-based airport and support long-term plans to pivot it away from its over reliance on passenger related income for revenues – currently at around 80% but with the aim of increasing non-passenger revenues to 50%.

The airport has significant land around its terminal to accommodate freeport related developments. Freeport status should also significantly boost its air freight traffic.

Leader of Newport City Council, Councillor Jane Mudd said a freeport in south east Wales would have the “potential to attract more national and international businesses, creating thousands of jobs and training opportunities that would benefit residents in the region and provide a massive boost to the local economy”.

She said: “Our proposal builds on existing private and public infrastructure investment to create better links between international commerce, regeneration of underused land, academia and high-quality job creation.

“Our bid is about scaling up, not starting up. It meets the Welsh freeport objectives for promoting regeneration, creating jobs and economic growth but it also goes further by fulfilling other essential Welsh and UK government ambitions.

“For instance, the aviation capacity at Wales’ national airport could be a catalyst for economic growth by directly reducing the long-distance HGV cargo destined for the US and far East and unlocking pent-up demand for aviation engineering activities where the region has a reputation for innovation.

“In addition, the Newport Regional Freeport would have the capability to play a key role in the UK government’s aspiration to safeguard and promote the compound semiconductor sector in this country.

“This industry is increasingly vital to all aspects of life. Newport is home to significant research and development as well as global intellectual property.

“From aviation maintenance to high-tech activities, the Newport Regional Freeport would create opportunities for Welsh products, ideas and services to reach international markets much more quickly.

“Only our proposal has the potential to attract a greater range of national and international investment to Wales, providing many more jobs and training prospects for the residents of a region which has communities with high levels of deprivation, and boosting both the local and national economy for many years to come.”

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