The former Liverpool manager Bill Shankly is often famously misquoted on his views as to the importance of football.

It’s fair to say however, its significance in this city is akin to religion.

It would seem the feeling extends to leader of Liverpool Council, Liam Robinson. Since taking up the role seven months ago, it has not been a quiet start to life in post for the former railwayman – much like a Premier League manager.

The Kensington Labour man, who moved into a smaller office than his predecessors at the top of the Cunard, also didn’t see himself in the dugout, rather than on the pitch when it comes to running the local authority.

He said: “On a personal level, I like to take the view that I’m captain of the team, it’s not just about me, it’s about everyone pulling together. I knew what I was signing up for, on average working about 13-14 hours a day, that’s as it should be, this is a 24-7 vocation for me.

“I keep joking the only way I know what day it is, is by the clothes I’m wearing. It’s tiring but I’m extremely privileged to have this opportunity in this brilliant city and to have the opportunity to lead the city council and thus the city as part of that big team is huge.

“While each day comes with some difficult stuff you’ve got to deal with, you’ve also got some brilliant occasions of how great the city is, so I take it in my stride.

“I always like to say while I might not be a born and bred scouser, I’m the dad of two little scousers so I think that’s as good a qualifying criteria as anything.

“It does give you that personal focus that you want this place to be as brilliant as it possibly can be for everyone, but when you’ve got your own kids at the heart of what hopefully all kids in the city will benefit from in years to come, is great. This place does get into your blood, in the right way, genuinely how friendly the place, how people genuinely give each other the time of day at a higher level than anywhere else I’ve ever lived.

“I do pinch myself when I come into my office every day, seeing across the river, and reminding yourself how great the city is. Equally as well, it’s absolutely fantastic when you go to other places across the country, and even though we’ve had some tough things recently, we get the positive sentiments about the city and you think ‘god, I’m privileged to have the opportunity to captain the team.’”

Cllr Liam Robinson, chair of the LCRs transport committee
Cllr Liam Robinson with Liverpool’s world-famous skyline

Cllr Robinson spoke to the LDRS days after commissioners gave their latest verdict on progress at Liverpool Council. They heaped praise on the new council boss and chief executive Andrew Lewis for the speed of change since both men took the reins.

While this wasn’t lost on the council leader, he refused to get carried away.

He said: “Overall, we’re making some really good progress, but we’re not complacent in the slightest. There’s been loads of hard work and that’s how it should be.

“I’m still very conscious of what we’ve still got to do, it’s not insignificant when I think about everything that’s happened over the past six or seven months or so; a big governance change, that’s gone really seamlessly, completely new senior management team, very good, strong relations with Steve (Rotheram) and the combined authority exactly as it should be.

“I’m very much looking forward to 2024, because that’s when we should be moving into the doing. One of the cliches I use is, you’re only as good as your last game and every day is a cup final in this gig.

“There’s a lot we can be focussing on for 2024; completing our government intervention – still a lot to do and not complacent about any of that – equally, hopefully a change of government and part of the process of fixing the council to make sure we can be part of a city region that is at the front of the queue as soon as we get a Labour government. I think that’s when there’ll be the opportunity to shout about the city on a national stage and we get a government that will back us internationally.”

Looking further afield was something Cllr Robinson was keen to emphasise Liverpool can do in future, starting by taking more powers from Westminster. He said: “The nature of this role means you have to work with whoever is in national government because we’ve always got to try and get the best deal for the people of the city. We’re often saying to the current government, in terms of house building targets, we’ve got loads of brownfield land and housing need here, so let’s work together on that.

“With a change of government, the conversations we’re looking at are much more hopeful for the city. There’s a lot more we can do on housing, in Liverpool we can play our part in that.

“Where I get really excited is the potential for devolution and the potential for us as a city, as part of a devolved city region, to look at the powers that Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have got because I think that’s where as a city, we could do some really significant things.

“The ability to have appropriate fiscal devolution to introduce a tourist tax, some of the public health powers Scotland have used so well; could we look at using minimum unit prices of alcohol, could we ban disposable vapes? We don’t have the powers currently to do that.”

Making an international splash was something Liverpool did in abundance just days after Cllr Robinson became leader of the council, hosting what has widely been described as the best Eurovision Song Contest ever. He was happy to admit what he originally thought was “three hours of television on a Saturday night” actually became a “10-day music and cultural extravaganza that hasn’t been done to that extent anywhere before.”

Cllr Robinson said: “I’m really looking forward to popping over to Malmo in January to hand over the keys, but also give them more of our learning and strengthen our links with a very similar city to ourselves and the trade opportunities there can be. I use Eurovision as the latest in a long line of globally significant events that this city has hosted, that again is a statement of not only intent but also delivery on the world stage.

“For me, it naturally plays into the natural confidence of scousers to say, ‘no, we absolutely should have the ability to do these things for ourselves more’ but it can’t just be asking for and talking the talk, it’s got to be based on a strong reputation that actually if we get this opportunity we can deliver it and that’s what we’re focussing on every day and that’s what the people of the city expect and deserve.”

Liverpool has been seen as a strong Labour city historically and the national party will hope it can replicate local success last summer when the country goes to a general election in 2024. Returning to footballing discourse, Cllr Robinson laid out what he thought of Sir Keir Starmer.

He said: “I think he’s certainly a prime minister in waiting, I think he’s pretty assured. We’ve had this revolving door of Tory prime ministers that’s made it look like a bad episode of Pop Idol frankly.

“Most Tory prime ministers aren’t lasting longer than the average Premier League manager, that’s no way to run a country at the end of the day. Keir might not necessarily set the world on fire and be loads of razamataz but I think when you look at the economic problems we’ve got as a country, and some of the international issues the next prime minister will be facing, I think he is that kind of steady hand on the wheel the country is crying out for.

“In a similar way, the best prime minister of my lifetime was Gordon Brown and he had a similar, quite detailed approach. When you’re dealing with the serious stuff of governing a country, you need someone who’s going to get into the details of it.”

Describing his own politics as “soft left” and “in the middle of the Labour Party” the Kensington councillor said he was “very comfortable for everyone with Peter Mandelson at one end to John McDonnell at the other and everyone in between.”

Would he have praised Margaret Thatcher, like Mr Starmer did, however?

He said: “I don’t think you can ever praise that individual. I remember my childhood when that shrill individual was leading the country and I’d happily say she’s the worst prime minister of my lifetime and the worst prime minister this country’s ever had, so I’ve no time for that individual.

“I can understand why those comments might have been made but perhaps I wouldn’t make them.”

Looking ahead to next year’s general election, confirmed as much by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in an event with journalists this month, Cllr Robinson shook off the suggestion Labour are not giving people enough hope when it comes to casting their ballot.

He said: “I’d like to think we’re trying to manage expectations appropriately and not lead anyone down the garden path, being dead blunt about the national economic circumstances the country and the next government will face. I’d like to think it’ll be about over delivering when in government as well and that’s exactly the right way, being honest with people.

“If you talk to a lot of people on door steps, people are understandably cynical about politics and just being straight with them and telling them you’ll do your very best and then hopefully you’ve got the results you can point to, at least you’ve been honest with people and it can inspire some more confidence than if you’re trying to make grandiose claims that don’t pan out. I think that’s where politics is at nationally.”