Winners of 2021 Nottinghamshire Live Women in Business Awards revealed
Women who are playing a key role in business and making their mark on their respective industries have been recognised at the 2021 Nottinghamshire Live Women in Business Awards.
The awards – organised by Reach plc and headline sponsored by Hillarys blinds – aim to shine a spotlight women who have triumphed in business and recognise their inspiring work and achievements from the last 12 months.
All of the winners were set to be announced at the grand final – which was due to take place on December 14 – but organisers took the decision to cancel the event due to concerns around the pandemic.
Today we reveal the full list of winners and runners-up.
Susan White, marketing director, says: “Hillarys is delighted to headline sponsor the NottinghamshireLive Women in Business Awards for the third year. Shining a light on the achievement of women in the workplace is something we are extremely passionate about as a business.
“Women make up more than 60% of our workforce and we continually look for ways to support them, whether it’s back into work after maternity leave, flexible working, life stage counselling or initiatives that help empower women to lead happier and healthier lives.”
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Nottinghamshire Live editor Natalie Fahy said: “We were so disappointed when we had to cancel the awards evening. It’s always a joyous celebration of all that’s great in the world on women-led businesses. After such a tough 18 months, it would have been great to all be together and mark our achievements.
“However, needs must and we thought it best to err on the side of caution, cancelling the event.
“This shouldn’t take away from what’s been achieved by so many over such a difficult period. If anything, the fact that so many businesses have come out of this in a strong position is an achievement in itself.
“It’s an absolute honour to highlight all the people that have gone above and beyond and my congratulations go out to all the winners and runners-up.
“Thanks again to all our sponsors too. We couldn’t do it without you.
“Here’s to a happy 2022 and to reconvening at some point very soon.”
The full list of winners are:
Small Business of the Year | Sponsored by the FSB
Winner:My HR Hub
My HR Hub is a bespoke HR consultancy for start-up, small and fast-growth businesses and charities in the East Midlands and beyond. It helps these businesses become great places to work with its HR consultancy, recruitment, training, reward, health and wellbeing solutions at affordable prices.
Founder Rebecca Bull created the first flexible model of its kind in the UK, taking a personal and hands-on approach to clients. 95 per cent of clients are sourced from referrals from existing clients, of which there is a 100 per cent satisfaction rate. After four years of working on her own, Rebecca expanded the team to four and now supports 2,500 employees across 25 sectors.
Finalists:Cubo; Lemon and Lime Interiors.
Click here to watch the finalist’s vide os and find out more.
Rising Star Award | Sponsored by Michael Wisher Team Support
Winner:Lisa Slack, Hillarys
Part of the Hillarys business for several years, a manufacturer and designer of made-to-measure window fittings, Lisa quickly progressed from part of the sales team to a sales operations manager. Overcoming the potential challenges of her young age and being in a male-dominated team, Lisa’s confidence, drive and determination aided her further promotion to head of product.
The business has huge confidence in her abilities, being given more teams to manage and having her role expanded only six months into the position. Lisa was key in Hillarys’ introduction of motorised products, leading and educating the business and 1,000 self-employed advisors across the country.
Finalists:Lauren Godwin, Thomas Sanderson; Tanya Irons, Hillarys
Click here to watch the finalist’s videos and find out more.
Women in Construction Award | Sponsored by Willmott Dixon
Winner:Sara Boland, Influence Landscape Planning and Design
Sara Boland is the skilled, ambitious, inclusive and environmentally conscious business owner of Influence Landscape Planning and Design, a chartered landscape architecture practice. A leader in her field, she is passionate and proactive about having a diverse workforce and supporting young people into the construction sector.
Sara invests her time in encouraging more women into the industry and currently has a 90 per cent female workforce. She has created an ever expanding portfolio of respected clients, including Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust and a nine-year relationship with Sea Change Sussex, and is continually chosen as the landscape partner on high-profile schemes across the country.
Finalist:Claire Newlove-Hill, John Brailsford Chartered Surveyors
Click here to watch the finalist’s videos and find out more.
Entrepreneur of the Year | Sponsored by Frank Key
Winner:Hannah Mather, Cocktail Bar in a Jar
Hannah Mather’s ingenuity and resilience shone through as she pivoted her previous salon business, The Vanity Rooms, into a brand new venture: Cocktail Bar in a Jar. After having to close due to the pandemic, she renovated the salon into a bar and takeaway service for the local community. By introducing online sales during the lockdowns, Hannah has now created a thriving cocktail business which has reach all across the UK and is turning over almost the same amount as her 11 year-old salon.
She is introducing her innovative Cocktail Bar in a Jar business into the wedding industry and constantly expanding her opportunities. Now able to reopen her salon, Hannah is using her positive mindset and tenacity to run both of her businesses on a trajectory of success.
Finalists:Rebecca Dowdeswell, nkd; Rebecca Topham, Property Girl
Click here to watch the finalist’s videos and find out more.
Female Executive of the Year | Sponsored by Hallam
Winner:Sally Gillborn, North Notts BID
Sally Gillborn is the chief executive of North Notts BID, the UK’s first area-wide place shaping Business Improvement District. She introduced and developed the idea and has continued to run one of the most supported BIDs in the country, achieving significantly higher levels of levy collection than the national average.
Sally has led the delivery of projects and services to 1,000 members to benefit the North Nottinghamshire community. Under Sally’s leadership, the BID continued to deliver the majority of its existing services throughout lockdown and provided crisis support. Sally launched the North Notts BID Digital Training Academy, a free online learning platform to upskill employees whose industries were affected during the pandemic.
Finalists:Rebecca Brough, Cubo; Helen Turnbull, Hillarys
Click here to watch the finalist’s videos and find out more.
Apprentice of the Year | Sponsored by Nottingham College
Winner:Isabel Walton, A. W. Lymn The Family Funeral Service
Isabel Walton is currently on the trainee programme at A.W. Lymn, one of the largest privately-owned funeral directors in the UK. From the young age of 15, Isabel knew she wanted to start a career in the funeral industry so started helping at a local funeral director to gain experience. After starting the course in September 2019, Isabel has worked exceptionally hard and shown a real dedication to her role, remaining professional and attentive during the stress of the pandemic.
She is honourably showcasing the way for other young women who may want to consider a career in funeral care, breaking the stereotypes within a male dominated industry.
Finalist:Lucy Winfield, Jigsaw24
Click here to watch the finalist’s videos and find out more.
Women in Tech Award | Sponsored by Browne Jacobson
Winner:Liliana de Lillo, TTPi
Liliana de Lillo is the company director of TTPi which was formed to further develop, apply and commercialise IP and knowhow relating to power electronics solutions. By 2023, TTPi will be recognised for transforming electronics for sustainable transport and energy systems.
Liliana has worked in the Power Electronics, Machines and Control Group at the University of Nottingham since 2006 and was promoted to Principal Research Fellow in 2019. During this time, she continued to work closely with the Technology Transfer team and the Nottingham Technology Venture to create TTPi. With 20 years of experience in engineering research, Liliana also engages in STEM activities with local primary schools hoping to inspire the new generation of engineers.
Finalist:Mel Benedict, Thomas Sanderson
Click here to watch the finalist’s videos and find out more.
Inspirational Woman of the Year | Sponsored by Shakespeare Martineau
Winner:Natasha Knowles, Hallam
Recently promoted to head of project management at Hallam, a digital marketing agency, Natasha has since demonstrated both personally and professionally what it means to be a courageous, admirable and inspirational person. After suffering a miscarriage in 2021, she created the company’s miscarriage policy to provide compassionate leave, no limit on sick absence and return to work plans.
Not only bravely launching the policy in-house, she is taking the cause even further to campaign for country-wide changes to the law regarding paid compassionate leave. Natasha’s inspiring work has encouraged other businesses to implement their own policies, as well as signing the Miscarriage Association’s Pregnancy Loss Pledge. In addition, Natasha trained to become a mental health first aider to support those around her.
Finalists:Josie Lawlor, Hillarys; Chrissa Wadlow, Sunshine Support
Click here to watch the finalist’s videos and find out more.
New Business of the Year | Sponsored by Eversheds Sutherland
Cubo Nottingham was launched in September 2020 and is now one of the region’s leading managed workspace providers. Cubo has met the changing needs of businesses by creating a series of energising workspaces which not only enhance working time, with specialised offices and coworking areas, but also client wellbeing through gyms and chill-out rooms.
Rebecca Brough has been the powerhouse behind the brand, using her creativity and ambition to attract an enticing mix of businesses. She transformed its initial Nottingham workspace into a high-end boutique serviced office facility, marketing, recruiting and managing its success. The ambitious company now has operations in Derby and Sheffield, and Cubo Leeds is set to launch in 2022, followed by Birmingham and Manchester.
Finalists:A Taylor’s Tail; Enable Future
Click here to watch the finalist’s videos and find out more.
Lifetime Achievement Award | Sponsored by Hillarys
Winner:Elizabeth Fagan CBE
The winner of the 2021 Lifetime Achievement Award is an inspirational force to be reckoned with. Elizabeth Fagan has been a key figure in the Nottingham business community for many years, leading the way on several fronts.
A visionary with a commitment to the region’s growth and a leader with drive and passion; Elizabeth was the first female managing director of one of the UK’s most notable businesses – Boots – putting Nottingham on the world stage.
Following her journey through various senior roles, her portfolio of achievements is inspiring and includes:
a non-executive chairman of Boots
a non-executive director of Brambles
the president of the Incorporated Society of British Advertisers
the President of the Women in Advertising and Communications Club
a Fellow of the Marketing Society
and recently the chair of D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership
Taking her determination, resilience and ambition further, Elizabeth took on another huge role; stepping up to help in the battle against the pandemic, she volunteered her services to become the NHS Test and Trace first marketing strategy director to not only help the region’s recovery, but the nation’s.
Elizabeth also recently received a CBE for her services to gender equality in business. So it is an absolute honour to add another title to her list and award the Lifetime Achievement Award for 2021 to Elizabeth Fagan CBE.
Elizabeth said: “I am delighted to be accepting this award. It’s often at the end of your career that you get ‘lifetime’ awards and I’m very pleased and proud of what I’ve achieved in my lifetime, both personally and within the businesses I have operated in…I look forward to continuing to work with everyone and continue to drive the economy of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.”
Businesswoman of the Year | Sponsored by Morningside Pharmaceuticals
Winner: Jean Mountain
With the challenges of working in male-dominated businesses and experiences like being mistaken as a waitress at a board members event, Jean Mountain has fought tooth and nail to break the glass ceiling and achieve the success she deserved. Not only that, she has paved the way for other businesswomen, too.
Starting with business studies at West Nottinghamshire College in the eighties, Jean took her entrepreneurial spirit and passion for business and went on to run a factory, set up an accessories business, become a silent partner for numerous businesses and a director at a national print management company.
But that isn’t all, Jean has accomplished many more things in her career which make her even more inspiring: like joining the Nottinghamshire Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, being President of the East Midlands Chamber, becoming Chair of the Nottinghamshire Members Council and Chair of the East Midlands Business Crime Forum which then led to her becoming Vice President of the National Business Crime Forum setting up the all party parliamentary group lobbying for better security to stop national business crime.
Another one of Jean’s notable achievements was co-founding Enterprising Women 25 years ago, a networking group with more than 500 members aimed at empowering women. This, alongside being a governor at Nottingham Girls High School, makes her a key part of building an environment where females can achieve their ambitions.
Jean said: “I am absolutely delighted to have won the Businesswoman of the Year award 2021, it’s such a huge honour.
“I’ve dedicated my entire working life to being focused on collaborative networking with businesses especially in my home county, Nottinghamshire.
“As co-founder of the East Midlands Chamber, Enterprising Women’s network, I truly believe in holding out a hand to the next person by helping each other to learn, grow and succeed!
“As I diversify through my businesses and grow my high street boutique, I’m proud to be recognised with this prestigious award.”