Sell Beauty and Cosmetics Globally using Amazon

E-commerce platforms can be a quick and easy way to begin exploring exporting, as they can allow your company to test potential markets without the costs traditionally incurred.

Join this series of webinars to discover how to maximise your exposure and sales in the US, Japan and Europe through Amazon.

Amazon is an e-commerce platform that offers a colossal reach to new customers across the globe. With over 2.7 billion visitors in June 2021 alone, Amazon is a trusted household name for many. [Source: Statista]

E-commerce sites allow businesses to test product appeal and build a customer base in new markets with just a few clicks and from the comfort of your desk.

The sessions
These free, hour long sessions, will be hosted by experienced experts in the industry and will look to cover three topic areas including:

  1. The main differences between that marketplace and Amazon UK
  2. Fulfilment solutions
  3. Compliance Dates
  • Tuesday 28th September, 14:30-15:30, Sell on Amazon U.S. – George Bova, Director of Business Development, Rocket Shippers
  • Tuesday 12th October, 11:00-12:00, Sell on Amazon Japan – John Cant, Japan E-Commerce Analyst, Rising Sun Commerce
  • Tuesday 19th October, 11:00-12:00, Sell on Amazon Europe – Frank Van Den Berg, CEO, InfinityBlue Marketplaces

Who is this webinar for and why attend?
This unmissable series is for those already selling on Amazon UK, who want to increase their customer base across the globe but aren’t sure which markets to try or how to access them.