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21.09.2021 - 10:53
Sky News
Markets are uneasy about debt-laden Evergrande – but this is no Lehman moment
It is not clear precisely how much Evergrande, the Chinese property company, owes its creditors.Most authoritative accounts, though, suggest it has total liabilities of as much as $310bn – making it the world’s most indebted company. That bewildering sum is more than the combined national outputs of Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania, Slovenia and Estonia. Image: Evergrande …
21.09.2021 - 10:31
Business Live
Screwfix and B&Q owner Kingfisher hikes outlook after pandemic DIY boom
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21.09.2021 - 09:59
Business Live
Scheme opening up hidden courtyard in historic Cardiff arcades expected to start shortly
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21.09.2021 - 09:51
Sky News
Shoppers will notice poultry, pork and bakery items disappearing from shelves ‘in about 10 days’
Shoppers could start noticing food shortages within days due to the crisis in carbon dioxide (CO2) supply, a food industry chief has warned.CO2 is used in food packaging, as well as a method of stunning animals prior to slaughter – but now supplies are running low. Surging energy costs have resulted in the suspension of …
21.09.2021 - 09:48
Business Live
Work starts at £8.5m Bilbao bunker which will fuel Brittany Ferries’ huge new gas-driven ships
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21.09.2021 - 09:35
Business Live
Gas shortage 2021 could lead to a ‘very cold winter’ – how the crisis happened
21.09.2021 - 09:10
Business Live
Excellent start to the year for Portmeirion as sales rise above pre-pandemic levels
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21.09.2021 - 08:23
Sky News
Stagecoach charges ahead as rival National Express comes calling
Stagecoach shares have rallied by almost 20% after it revealed talks over a potential all-share takeover by rival National Express.The potential tie-up would result in cost savings and provide new growth opportunities as the pair recover from the huge hit to business inflicted by the COVID-19 pandemic that saw demand for travel collapse. It would …
21.09.2021 - 07:59
Business Weekly
BioMed Realty buys two Cambridge sites in $1.12bn UK scale-up
California property magnate BioMed Realty is investing $1.12 billion (£850m) in buying two Cambridge sites and doubling its UK life science portfolio in the process. The move could trigger almost 3,000 new jobs for the UK, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced in New York. He said the investment would act as a huge boost for …
21.09.2021 - 07:43
Evening Standard
Coffee wars: Pitt vs Clooney in campaign led by M&C Saatchi
M&C Saatchi has launched a coffee war ad campaign that puts Brad Pitt up against friend and rival George Clooney.Pitt is the new face of Italian brand De’Longhi, going head-to-head with Clooney and Nespresso.That was just one client win of several in the half-year that see the Soho firm bounce back from a tough two …
21.09.2021 - 07:12
Evening Standard
Government borrowing falls as economy fights back from Covid
THE UK government borrowed another £20.5 billion in August to make ends meet, the highest amount for that month for every year apart from the last one.So far this year total borrowing stands at £93.8 billion, also hugely down on a year ago when Covid was at its worst.The good news is that public sector …
21.09.2021 - 06:23
Sky News
State-backed loans being considered for energy firms that take customers from companies that go bust
Some of the UK’s biggest energy companies could be offered state-backed loans in return for taking on customers from smaller suppliers if they go under, as soaring global gas prices throw the industry into crisis, the business secretary has told Sky News.Speaking to Kay Burley, Kwasi Kwarteng also said that the carbon dioxide shortage that …