Rare Anaemias International Network supports awareness initiatives and welcomes new supporters in 2022

Rare Anaemias International Network (RAIN) is a global, community-based ecosystem which comprises patient advocacy associations and individuals supporting rare anaemias​.​ RAIN is focused on implementing activities that advocate for equal access to innovative therapies and medications​.​

RAIN shares best practice and skills among members and acts as a forum for advice and guidance on a variety of issues affecting patients, such as the cost effectiveness of drugs and treatments, access issues, and much more.​ We campaign together, joining forces to amplify the voice of smaller organisations and to help patients and health professionals establish new patient support groups where they do not currently exist.

RAIN is pleased to announce and owes thanks to the independent support of its founding industry partners, Agios, Sanofi, and Immunovant, without whom the initiative would not be possible. 

In Q1 of 2022, RAIN has provided an overview of rare anaemias, including signs and symptoms, through our monthly social media themes. We have also supported several awareness raising initiatives, including World Cancer Day, Rare Disease Day, and Autoimmune Disease Awareness Month.

Looking forward to Q2, RAIN will be hosting a virtual educational member meeting and launching an exciting 2022/23 activity plan, while continuing to increase knowledge levels in the rare anaemias community through various social media themes. We will also support various awareness initiatives such as International Health Awareness Day, Fanconi Anaemia Awareness Day, International Thalassemia Day, World Blood Donor Day, and Sickle Cell Disease Day.

Working in collaboration with the members, the RAIN initiative is delivered by Scientific Education Support (SES), who aim to build communities and networks to facilitate education through collaboration, ensuring that patients have access to the latest support and treatment options.

For more information about RAIN activities or educational meetings, please contact [email protected] 

Connect with our social channels: 

Twitter: @rareanaemias

Facebook: @rareanaemias

LinkedIn: Rare Anaemias International Network

Instagram: @rareanaemias