Specialist Dermatologist Dr. Hande Ulusal rejuvenates health tourists in Turkey with Magic Touch

Lengthy cosmetic procedures with long convalescences that interrupt our daily lives are giving way to new “Magic Touch” applications. Using less intrusive techniques such as, mesotherapy, anti-aging laser, light based device, Dr. Hande Ulusal ensures that everyone who visits Turkey for medical tourism returns to their country rejuvenated.

London – The trend of rejuvenation through aesthetic surgery is a thing of the past. Painful, lengthy cosmetic surgeries that hinder daily routines are giving way to ‘Magic Touch’ procedures. This technique ensures a new appearance and vitality is given only to those areas which patients want to enhance, using targeted touches.

Dermatology specialist Dr. Hande Ulusal has been serving her clients since 2010 at her clinic in Istanbul. As a seasoned dermatologist, Dr. Ulusal helps clients, who choose Turkey as their health-tourism destination, to achieve the youthful image they desire, using less intrusive methods such as laser, light based devices or mesotherapy which are all part of the Magic Touch technique.

Dr. Ulusal said, “As the technology improves, we are developing alternative solutions to cosmetic surgery to avoid lengthy operation and recovery times. With the Magic Touch technique, we help our patients achieve the youthful appearance they deserve as soon as possible. We promise non-surgical rejuvenation,” she added.

“We ensure our patients are informed in detail about our procedures both before coming to Turkey and at the time they visit the clinics. Magic Touch includes applications such as botox, mesotherapy, anti-aging laser, light based devices. Each procedure is directed towards the areas that patients want to revive. The results that Magic Touch achieves can be observed in a very short time.”

Eliminates age wrinkles

Turkey is in high demand as a destination for Magic Touch aesthetic techniques. Each technique has a rejuvenating function on different parts of the face. Mesotherapy accelerates blood circulation in the skin and allows the tissue to regain its former firmness, and helps the skin to become supple by increasing its water retention capacity. Anti-aging laser treatments also help remove wrinkles that begin to form as we age, revitalizing the skin.

Aesthetic and Beauty Specialist Dr. Hande Ulusal prioritizes patient satisfaction in every technique she administers, adding treatments such as blemish removal, skin care, eyelid aesthetics, hair and crack mesotherapy as well as offering the benefits of Magic Touch.

Dr. Ulusal commented, “I carry out my scientific studies with a particular focus on aesthetic and cosmetic dermatology. My team and I draw up personal roadmaps that fit the expectations of each patient visiting our center. We offer them both safe, hygienic and practical rejuvenating aesthetic treatment.”

For more information, please visit: https://www.handeulusal.com/en