Year: A Million – Posthumanism

ANIL UZUN will share his statements with the audience about a whole new notion referring to the next phase of human evolution via medical advancements. What is Posthumanism exactly? Is Homo Deus prepared for the current developments in science? Can analysis and practices like CRISPR lead to inequality? What are swings and roundabouts regarding Posthumanism? Mr UZUN’s evaluation of the latest news in this domain signifies to us not only a new standpoint but also inner information from a dependable eye. Whether you are interested in human evolution and the curious voyage of man, we recommend you to attend this compelling speech.

ANIL UZUN states, “According to the research that Kaspersky held, almost two in five adults (39%) say they are exceedingly concerned that human empowerment practices could lead to social inequality or conflict in the future. A significant number of participants express their concerns that Post-humanism technology will be high-quality, high-tech solutions that appeal to a privileged segment. They assume that these technologies won’t be affordable and accessible to everyone, and everyone will be able to benefit from this concept.

If the unevenness is the case, many agree that it will cause inequalities between people who can reach the facilities and those who can not. Moreover, these inequalities will affect the human race all physically, mentally, psychologically, and socially. Some of you may even think the gap will become further than ever.

At this point, another bothersome scenario comes to mind: Security. As technology develops and penetrates human life deeply, it enables evil-minded vicious parties to take control of personally private data. People are thrilled with losing control of the equipped body devices, which may lead to inevitable consequences. Accepting that we are having difficulties even preventing our kids from violent content on YouTube or in a game they are playing, losing control of something so intimate and personal will be catastrophic.”


ANIL UZUN is a prestigious Fintech entrepreneur with a foreseen view. He approaches new outcomes with a sapient question mark: It sounds good in theory, though what about in practice? Thereafter, as a proficient entrepreneur in the field for many years, he assesses the concept through feasibility assessment. In contrast with his coequals, he enjoys double-checking every step of his portfolio and ensuring that even the slightest detail is on the clock. Thus, he is a persuasive role model for amateur investors hounding promising projects in this competitive arena.

Today, his portfolio is mainly established on functional payment services, trading venues, medical services, online banking and other overseeing internet-based structures. He carries justified pride in being a proactive and open-minded businessperson who has verified himself in every field he steps into.